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Project Details

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Social Media Manager

Manage your accounts effectively

Problem Statement

• It becomes very difficult for a person with more than 100k followers to manage his Instagram account in order to boost his reach and is also hectic for the manager to use these Instagram API to view analytics and plan accordingly.
• For all of this complex procedure, we have decided make a web app and mobile application called Social Media Manager) which will make it easier for both.
• There are apps available in the market for managing and automating the profile but the functionalities are limited for only the creator. So, our project will be providing same and additional functionalities for more than one entity.

Project Objectives

• The Influencer can schedule post/story.
• The Influencer can view his account insights.
• There is also comments monitoring system.
• There is an auto posting functionality and lets the manager as well to upload stories and posts at a specific time.


Full Stack Developer

Project Challenges

• Making an account for Facebook Graph API [verification, connecting other accounts together]
• Limited Time for the project i.e only 1-2 months
• Schedule Posting


Extreme Programming (XP): XP is an agile methodology that focuses on delivering high-quality software through practices such as test-driven development, pair programming, continuous integration, and frequent customer feedback.


Social Media Manager ImageSocial Media Manager ImageSocial Media Manager ImageSocial Media Manager Image
Social Media Manager ImageSocial Media Manager Image

Tech Stack

Web Application: React,Tailwind CSS, Graph API, Firebase

Mobile Application: React Native, Expo Go, Tailwind CSS, Graph API, Firebase

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Netflix Clone

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Spotify Clone