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Project Details

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Netflix Clone

Unleash Your Binge-Watching Passion

Your Personalized Streaming Experience


• Implemented Youtube API for playing trailers realtime on the web application and firebase for deployment.
• Used Postman for sending requests to Movies DB API and fetched movie banners.
• Utilized: React JS, Postman, Youtube API, Firebase

Project Objectives

• Develop a functional Netflix clone web application that closely replicates the user experience of the original Netflix platform.
• Implement the YouTube API to enable real-time playing of movie trailers within the web application.
• Utilize Firebase for seamless deployment and hosting of the Netflix clone.
• Integrate the Movies DB API to fetch movie banners and display them accurately within the application.
• Utilize React JS as the primary framework for building the user interface and managing the application's state.
• Implement efficient and responsive web design practices to ensure optimal performance across different devices and screen sizes.


Full Stack Developer

Project Challenges

• API Integration: Integrating the YouTube API and Movies DB API seamlessly into the application, handling authentication, and effectively retrieving and displaying movie data can pose technical challenges.
• Real-Time Trailer Playback: Implementing real-time playing of movie trailers using the YouTube API may require handling video buffering, playback controls, and ensuring smooth streaming across different devices and network conditions.
• Design Consistency: Replicating the visual design and user interface of Netflix while maintaining responsiveness and consistency across various screen sizes and browsers can be challenging.


Netflix Clone Image

Tech Stack

React, Movies DB API, Firebase

Github Repository


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