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Project Details

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Spotify Clone

Harmonize Your Melodies

Experience the Ultimate Music Streaming Journey


• Used Spotify API for fetching user's playlists, liked songs, etc.
• Implemented Spotify User Authentication.
• Utilized React.js, Redux, Firebase.

Project Objectives

• Develop a Spotify clone web application that replicates the core functionalities and user experience of the original Spotify platform.
• Integrate the Spotify API to fetch user-specific data, such as playlists, liked songs, and user profile information.
• Implement secure user authentication using Spotify's authentication system to ensure only authorized users can access their personalized music content.
• Utilize React.js and Redux to create a dynamic and responsive user interface with efficient state management for seamless navigation and interaction.
• Employ Firebase as the backend platform for data storage, real-time updates, and reliable deployment of the application.


Full Stack Developer

Project Challenges

• Integration with Spotify API: Working with third-party APIs can pose challenges, such as understanding the API documentation, handling authentication, and managing rate limits.
• User Authentication: Implementing a secure and reliable user authentication system can be complex, especially when integrating with an external service like Spotify.
• Data Management: Handling and organizing large amounts of user-specific data, such as playlists and liked songs, requires efficient data management strategies to ensure optimal performance.


Spotify Clone Image

Tech Stack

React, Redux, Firebase

Github Repository


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Ettarra Cafe