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Project Details

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Bus Tracking Application

Stay on Course, Know Your Bus's Force

Track Your Journey, Arrive with Confidence


• Real-Time Bus Tracking: Users can track the location of buses in real-time on the map.
• Bus Search: Users can search for buses by their bus number to track their location.
• Route Planning: Users can enter their source and destination locations to view the buses that operate on that route.
• Interactive Map: The application provides an interactive map interface to display the bus locations and routes.
• Favorites: Users can save their frequently used bus routes or buses as favorites for quick access.
• Notifications: The application can send push notifications to users regarding bus arrivals, delays, or other relevant updates.
• User Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in to personalize their bus tracking experience.
• Feedback and Ratings: Users can provide feedback and ratings for buses, helping other users make informed decisions.
• Integration with Firebase: The application utilizes Firebase for backend services, such as user authentication, data storage, and real-time updates.

Project Objectives

• The objective is to enhance the overall experience of using public transportation by providing users with an efficient and reliable bus tracking system.
• Enable users to track the location of buses in real-time, allowing them to plan their journeys better and reduce waiting times.
• Implement a search functionality that allows users to easily find buses by their bus number or search by source and destination to find relevant bus routes.
• Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate, search for buses, view routes, and track bus locations.
• Integrate with reliable data sources, such as Firebase and real-time APIs, to fetch and display accurate bus location and route information.


Full Stack Developer

Project Challenges

• Integrating React Native Maps was quite new.


Bus tracking applicationBus tracking applicationBus tracking applicationBus tracking applicationBus tracking applicationBus tracking application

Tech Stack

React Native, React Native Maps, Expo Go, Firebase

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