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ML Engineer (Freelance Project)

• Conducted a comprehensive study and analysis of speech emotion recognition (SER) techniques using Deep Neural Networks (DNN).

• Designed and implemented an enhanced speech emotion recognition system using a Balanced Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and an emotion-aware latent space, achieving an accuracy improvement from 70% to 85%.

• Improved the learning stability of the Generative Adversarial Network through evolutionary data augmentation by applying genetic algorithms.

• Evaluated the performance of the Generative Adversarial Network for speech emotion recognition, comparing it with state-of-the-art techniques such as LSTM and Transformer models.


Full Stack Developer
(Freelance Project)

• Created a lead generation platform for villa owners, managing leads worth 30-40 lakhs daily.

• Developed dashboards for lead management, villa blacklisting, account management, and data filtering based on several options.

• Implemented advanced features to optimize lead tracking, data analysis, and operational efficiency for villa owners.

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Chrome Extension Developer

• Built chrome extension for renowned instagram influencers, celebrities.

• Worked on DOM manipulation and built logic, responsiveness, mobile view.

• Modified HTML source code & injecting custom JavaScript

• Accessed local storage and cookies, web traffic

• Leveraged Knowledge in logic building, responsiveness, working of web browsers.

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Full Stack Developer

• Made a web/mobile app for celebrities managing their social media
accounts and stored data on Firebase Firestore.

• Used Facebook's Graph API for fetching and authentication of Instagram users.

• Implemented Comments Monitoring System.

• Added Auto Posting functionality on scheduled time.

• Utilized: React JS, Firebase, Graph API, Expo Go, React Native, Redux.

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Frontend Developer

• Worked on development of Resource Management System.

• Developed frontend Modules and integrated backend.

• Managed the whole team and translated client requirements.

• Leveraged Knowledge in FastAPI (Python), React.js, MongoDB, Design, UI/UX


Full Stack Developer

• Worked on development of College ERP Systems like Examcell, Feedback System and Inventory System.

• Developed Serverless Architecture using Next JS, React JS and Firebase.

• Led the whole team and translated staff requirements.

• Handling a total of 2500 college students for free .